
Publications & Reports

27 Aug 2021

2021 Haiti earthquake | Report 2: Population movements estimated with mobile operator data from Digicel Haiti: report from 27 August.

Produced by Flowminder & Digicel Haiti, 27 August 2021. Reports available in English & French
20 Aug 2021

2021 Haiti earthquake | Report 1: Population movements estimated with mobile operator data from Digicel Haiti: report from 20 August.

Produced by Flowminder, in collaboration with Digicel Haiti, 20 August 2021. Reports available in English and in French
19 Jul 2021

Radio Transmitter Coverage in Sierra Leone

Produced by Flowminder under the GRID3 programme, in collaboration with Sierra Leone's Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE). July 2021
06 Jul 2021

Eruption of Mount Nyiragongo: Estimating population displacement using mobile operator data (Call Detail Records)

Produced by Flowminder & Vodacom RDC, June 21. Reports available in French and English
01 Jul 2021

Education Coverage in Sierra Leone

Produced by Flowminder under GRID3, in collaboration with Sierra Leone's Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, July 2021.
26 Jun 2021

Analysis of call detail records to inform the COVID-19 response in Ghana—opportunities and challenges

Cambridge University Press: 23 June 2021.
24 Jun 2021

Guide for developing socioeconomic maps: High-resolution spatial modelling of population welfare in El Salvador, a coding tutorial.

Produced by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) & Flowminder Foundation, 2021.
27 Apr 2021

COVID-19 | Ghana: Report #3: Insight into the effect of mobility restrictions in Ghana using anonymised and aggregated mobile phone data

Produced by Flowminder, Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) & Vodafone Ghana. COVID-19 | Ghana: Report #3, April 2021
15 Jan 2021

COVID-19: Supporting the Government of Sierra Leone with mobility data

Produced by Sierra Leone's Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI); Flowminder Foundation / GRID3; Africell Sierra Leone; MIT GovLab; MIT Civic Data Design Lab. December 2020.
05 Jan 2021

CEDIL Methods Working Papers: Using big data for evaluating development outcomes: a systematic map

CEDIL Methods Working Paper. Oxford: Centre of Excellence for Development Impact and Learning (CEDIL).
01 Dec 2020

COVID-19: Supporting the Government of Namibia with mobility data

Produced by Flowminder Foundation / GRID3, MTC Namibia, Namibia Statistics Agency. December 2020.
25 Nov 2020

Gridded Population Survey Sampling: A Review of the Field and Strategic Research Agenda

Preprints, 2019110072