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Executive summary

Key observations for the period July 2023 - June 2024

  • Due to internal mobility, the population of the West (Ouest) department has declined by 30,800 people from July 2023 to June 2024.

  • People who left the West (Ouest) department relocated throughout the country, particularly to the Greater South:
    • South (Sud) department: + 7,500 (including + 3,000 in Les Cayes),
    • South-East (Sud-Est): + 6,900 (including + 2,000 in Jacmel),
    • Nippes: + 4,100,
    • and Grand’Anse: + 3,100.
  • The North (Nord) department received 4,100 more people (including + 2,000 in central Cap Haitien).

  • Within the West (Ouest) department, 30,000 people left 1ere Section Turgeau in Port-au-Prince commune over the last 12 months, for other sections in West or outside.

  • The largest population changes occurred from January 2024 onwards. Changes are not always progressive and urban communal sections (Port-au-Prince, Jacmel, Les Cayes, Cap Haitien) can see large fluctuations, gaining or losing over 1,000 residents from one month to the next.

How to use this report

  • Population estimates per communal section per month can help prepare for and respond to crises, and plan services, by quantifying up-to-date population exposure to hazards, and informing on predictable trends in population change. We highlight communal sections with steady increases or decreases in population that could make annual population statistics outdated, or unusually large month-to-month fluctuations that would increase margin of errors around static population estimates. 

Data sources

  • Estimates used in this report, and associated documentation, are available at after registration.
  • Monthly estimates of population per communal section (the “de facto” population) - derived from anonymous mobile phone data, weighted using survey data but unadjusted for population change due to births, deaths, immigration and emigration - only considering internal mobility in Haiti.

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About this report

Authors & contributors

This report was authored by the Flowminder Foundation, by Robert Eyre and Veronique Lefebvre, with the contribution of James Harrison and Sophie Delaporte.

Robert Eyre produced and analysed the mobility statistics and produced the graphs; Véronique Lefebvre directed the analysis, interpreted the mobility statistics and wrote the report; James Harrison produced the aggregates derived from CDR data; and Sophie Delaporte supported with information product design, report writing, translation and data visualisation.

This study was made possible thanks to the anonymised mobile phone usage data provided by Digicel Haiti, which are aggregated by Flowminder via FlowKit to provide statistics.

Data privacy & governance

No personal data, such as an individual’s identity, demographics, location, contacts or movements, is made available to the government or any other third party at any time. All results produced by Flowminder are aggregated results (for example, subscriber density in a given municipality), which means that they do not contain any information about individual subscribers.

This data is fully anonymised. This approach complies with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR2016/679). Data is processed on a server installed behind the mobile network operator’s firewall in Haiti, and no personal data eaves the operator’s premises.

Data considerations

The estimates shown are our best current assessment of movements. However, there are a number of uncertainties. The information should be interpreted together with other available evidence.

Read the report (PDF) (in English)

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