Executive summary

Gang violence on 22 and 24 September 2023 in the locality of Saut d'Eau and on 25 September in the locality of Mirebalais triggered significant population movements out of these areas. Based on anonymous aggregated mobile phone data, we estimate that at least 2,013 subscribers may have left these localities between 22 September 2023 and 30 September 2023. The majority of subscribers (65.8%) relocated to the communes of Boucan Carré (18.5%), Mirebalais (17.7%), Savanette (15%) and Lascahobas (14.9%) while movements are observed up to the Cap-Haïtien commune. Another 8 communal sections experienced more than 15 displaced subscribers. Rankings are detailed in Table 1 on Page 2 of the report.

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About this report

Authors & contributors

This report was authored by the Flowminder Foundation, by Galina Veres and Veronique Lefebvre, with the contribution of Robert Eyre, James Harrison, Sophie Delaporte, and Xavier Vollenweider.

Galina Veres analysed, interpreted and wrote the report; Veronique Lefebvre directed the analysis; Robert Eyre supported the analysis, James Harrison produced the aggregates derived from CDR data; Sophie Delaporte supported with translation and data visualisation; and Xavier Vollenweider supported with report writing.

This study was made possible thanks to the anonymised (aggregated) Call Detail Records provided by a mobile network operator in Haiti.


The analyses in this report use Call Detail Records (CDRs) provided by a mobile network operator in Haiti.

For billing purposes, mobile operators keep track of subscribers’ activity. These records are generated every time a subscriber makes or receives a call, sends or receives an SMS, or uses mobile data on their phone. They are called Call Detail Records (CDRs). CDRs contain information about the location of the cell tower that routes the call. These data can be analysed in near real time and provides insight into mobility patterns locally and across a country based on the location of those cell towers. For more information on CDR data, please visit our FlowGeek website.

This report is based on the results of an analysis of CDR data provided by a mobile network operator in Haiti. CDRs are aggregated and anonymised within the operator’s firewall using FlowKit, and then analysed by Flowminder.

Data considerations

The estimates shown are our best current assessment of movements. However, there are a number of uncertainties. The information should be interpreted together with other available evidence.

Read the report (PDF) (in English)

For the French version, click here.

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