Anonymised and aggregated data from Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) is a key data source for understanding the mobility patterns of populations, and improving decision-making and scenario planning during the COVID-19 epidemic. This data can be analysed in near real-time and provide an overview of mobility patterns across all of Ghana. Flowminder is working with
Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) to produce mobility indicators from data provided by Vodafone Ghana, whilst fully preserving the privacy of Vodafone Ghana’s subscribers. These indicators can be used by the government and public health experts to inform response efforts.
In this initial report, we describe the preliminary analyses that have been generated. The work has been conducted within a very short timeframe to provide timely, high-level insights into a fast-changing situation. The aim is to facilitate discussion amongst government ministries, departments, and agencies that could benefit from having access to the type of information that is presented here, in order to inform decisions about interventions. In the coming weeks, we will perform more detailed and rigorous analyses, which will contribute to an in-depth understanding of the situation and answer specific requests from decision makers.