In this statement, we join other H2H organisations specialised in data and information management (IM) to present recommendations to support OCHA’s review of its IM and analysis functions.

"Humanitarian data, Information Management (IM), assessments, and analysis are fundamental to the effective planning, delivery, and accountability of humanitarian aid.

The decisions based on these data impact millions of people affected by crises. It is critical these decisions are grounded in an informed and impartial understanding of needs and context, ensuring that the humanitarian narrative is driven by evidence rather than political agendas.

As specialised H2H organisations committed to providing independent data and analysis, we welcome the increased focus on these issues, particularly within OCHA’s review of its IM and analysis functions. This is an important opportunity to strengthen the sector, and we encourage OCHA to recognise and enhance the role of technical partners in fostering collaboration, partnership, and joint ownership.

We believe OCHA has a crucial role in leading an invigorated strategy for data, IM, assessments, and analysis within the sector, and present the following recommendations to support this. [...]"

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Read the joint statement

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